Mental Health and Mental Toughness are NOT the Same Thing

Unveiling the Difference between Mental Health and Mental Toughness for Student Athletes.

First and foremost, the content within this series has been curated from a variety of sources that are experts on this very important topic. I am not a medical professional and while I have studied, trained and have become certified in Sports Psychology, Youth Performance and 3-Dimensional coaching, I am not a mental health expert.

Now that that I have made that important clarification, I wrote this on a Saturday afternoon after seeing a few examples of publications targeting youth athletes on Mental Health and Mental Toughness. There was one credible source referring to the topic of mental health as a buzzword as if it is something that is currently “trending”. I felt it important to share this summary of my research.

Part 1: Nurturing Mental Well-being: Unveiling the Difference between Mental Health and Mental Toughness for Student Athletes.

In the world of student athletics, where the pursuit of excellence is both physical and mental, it’s crucial for athletes and those in their circles to understand the nuanced difference between mental health and mental toughness. While mental toughness is often celebrated in the sports arena, it’s equally important to prioritize mental health for overall well-being. In this 4 part article, we’ll delve into these concepts, shedding light on their distinctions and emphasizing the significance of finding a balance.

  • Mental Health:

a. Definition: Mental health refers to a person’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It encompasses how individuals think, feel, and act, influencing how they handle stress, relate to others, and make decisions. For student athletes, maintaining good mental health is fundamental for sustained athletic performance.

b. Importance: A sound mental health foundation is essential for concentration, focus, and emotional regulation, all of which are critical elements in sports. Ignoring mental health can lead to issues such as burnout, anxiety, depression, and a decline in overall performance.

c. Signs of Good Mental Health:

i. Ability to cope with stress

ii. Healthy relationships with teammates and coaches

iii. Positive self-esteem and self-confidence

iv. Resilience in the face of challenges

  • Mental Toughness:

a. Definition: Mental toughness is the ability to persevere and maintain focus, determination, and resilience in the face of adversity. It involves the capacity to stay motivated, handle pressure, and bounce back from setbacks. While mental toughness is a valuable trait, it should not come at the expense of mental health.

b. Importance: Mental toughness empowers student athletes to overcome obstacles, stay committed to their goals, and perform under pressure. It helps in developing a competitive edge and facing the ups and downs of sports with a positive mindset.

c. Signs of Mental Toughness:

i. Determination and perseverance

ii. Ability to stay focused on goals

iii. Resilience in the face of setbacks

iv. Strong work ethic

III. Finding Balance:

a. Recognizing the Interconnection: Mental health and mental toughness are interlinked. A strong mental health foundation provides the stability needed to cultivate mental toughness.

b. Seeking Support: Student athletes should feel encouraged to seek support when needed, whether from coaches, teammates, or mental health professionals. Acknowledging the importance of mental health does not diminish mental toughness; rather, it enhances it.

c. Holistic Approach: Encouraging a holistic approach to well-being involves addressing both physical and mental aspects. Practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and open communication contribute to a healthier mind.

Recognizing the difference between mental health and mental toughness is pivotal. Striking a balance between the two not only enhances athletic performance but also ensures the overall well-being of student athletes. By prioritizing mental health and nurturing mental toughness, student athletes can embark on a journey of of excellence that extends beyond the playing field.

Part 2: The Dangers of confusing mental toughness with mental health

Confusing mental health with mental toughness can have serious repercussions for student athletes, both in their athletic pursuits and overall well-being. It’s essential to recognize the dangers associated with this confusion:

  1. Ignoring Mental Health Red Flags:
    • Danger: The emphasis on mental toughness might lead athletes to downplay or ignore signs of mental health struggles, such as anxiety or depression.
    • Impact: Ignoring red flags can result in worsening mental health conditions, leading to burnout, decreased performance, and even long-term psychological consequences.
  2. Perpetuating the Stigma:
    • Danger: Associating mental toughness solely with strength may perpetuate the stigma surrounding mental health.
    • Impact: Athletes may fear being perceived as weak if they acknowledge mental health challenges, discouraging them from seeking the necessary help and support.
  3. Increased Risk of Burnout:
    • Danger: Overemphasizing mental toughness without addressing mental health needs can contribute to burnout.
    • Impact: Burnout not only affects athletic performance but can also have severe consequences on an athlete’s physical and mental well-being, leading to withdrawal from sports or other negative outcomes.
  4. Limited Coping Mechanisms:
    • Danger: Focusing solely on mental toughness may limit the development of healthy coping mechanisms.
    • Impact: When faced with intense pressure or setbacks, athletes may lack the emotional resilience and coping skills needed to navigate challenges effectively.
  5. Impact on Performance:
    • Danger: A failure to prioritize mental health can negatively impact athletic performance.
    • Impact: Mental health struggles can interfere with focus, concentration, and motivation, ultimately affecting an athlete’s ability to perform at their best.
  6. Strained Relationships:
    • Danger: Neglecting mental health may lead to strained relationships with teammates, coaches, and support staff.
    • Impact: Communication breakdowns and conflicts may arise, further isolating the athlete and exacerbating their mental health challenges.
  7. Long-Term Consequences:
    • Danger: Neglecting mental health can lead to long-term consequences for an athlete’s overall well-being.
    • Impact: Chronic mental health issues may persist beyond the athletic career, affecting various aspects of an individual’s personal and professional life.
  8. Undermining the Holistic Approach:
    • Danger: Overemphasis on mental toughness at the expense of mental health neglects the importance of a holistic well-being approach.
    • Impact: Athletes may miss out on the benefits of a balanced lifestyle that includes proper self-care, stress management, and mental health maintenance.

PART 3: Support for Mental Health

Student athletes face unique challenges that can impact their mental health, and seeking help when needed is a crucial step towards overall well-being. Here’s an elaboration on how student athletes can access support for their mental health:

  1. Team Resources:
    • Coaches and Athletic Staff: Coaches and athletic staff are often trained to recognize signs of mental health struggles. Student athletes can approach them for guidance and support. Many universities have counseling services specifically tailored for athletes.
    • Teammates: Peer support is invaluable. Teammates may share similar experiences and can offer understanding and empathy. Creating an environment where athletes feel comfortable discussing mental health is essential.
  2. University Counseling Services:
    • Counseling Centers: Most universities have counseling centers that offer confidential mental health services. Student athletes can schedule appointments with licensed counselors or psychologists who specialize in working with athletes.
    • Psychiatrists and Psychologists: For more severe mental health concerns, such as anxiety or depression, athletes may benefit from consulting with a psychiatrist or psychologist. These professionals can provide therapy, counseling, or medication when necessary.
  3. Mental Health Education Programs:
    • Workshops and Seminars: Universities often organize workshops and seminars on mental health and well-being. These events can provide valuable information, coping strategies, and resources for managing stress and maintaining mental health.
    • Educational Resources: Universities may offer online resources, pamphlets, or information sessions on mental health topics. These resources can help student athletes understand the importance of mental health and learn practical strategies for maintaining it.
  4. Athletic Departments and Organizations:
    • Athletic Trainers: Athletic trainers are not only focused on physical well-being but also play a role in monitoring athletes’ overall health. They can refer student athletes to appropriate mental health resources if needed.
    • Athletes’ Advisory Committees: Some universities have athletes’ advisory committees that advocate for the well-being of student athletes. These committees may connect athletes with mental health support services.
  5. External Mental Health Professionals:
    • Private Therapists or Counselors: Student athletes can seek assistance from private mental health professionals outside the university setting. These professionals can offer a personalized approach to addressing mental health concerns.
    • Online Counseling Services: Virtual counseling services and mental health apps provide convenient and accessible support. They may offer therapy sessions, mindfulness exercises, and resources that cater to the specific needs of student athletes.
  6. National Helplines and Organizations:
    • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: In times of crisis, athletes can reach out to helplines such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline for immediate assistance. These helplines can provide a listening ear and connect individuals to local resources.
    • Athlete-Specific Organizations: Some organizations focus specifically on the mental health of athletes. Student athletes can explore these resources, which often include hotlines, forums, and educational materials.

Encouraging a culture that destigmatizes mental health challenges and promotes seeking help is essential for the well-being of student athletes. By utilizing these resources, student athletes can access the support they need to navigate the challenges of both sports and mental health.

PART 4: How teammates can help

Recognizing mental health concerns among teammates is a crucial step in fostering a supportive and stigma-free environment. Teammates play a pivotal role in creating a culture where mental health is prioritized. Here are ways teammates can recognize mental health concerns and support each other while avoiding stigma:

  1. Be Observant:
    • Recognizing Signs: Pay attention to changes in behavior, mood, or performance. Persistent withdrawal, mood swings, increased irritability, changes in sleep patterns, or a decline in academic or athletic performance can be indicators of mental health concerns.
  2. Open Communication:
    • Create a Safe Space: Foster an environment where open communication about mental health is encouraged. Ensure that teammates feel comfortable expressing their feelings without judgment.
    • Check-In Regularly: Initiate regular check-ins with teammates, both individually and as a team. Casual conversations can provide opportunities for someone struggling to share their concerns.
  3. Educate the Team:
    • Mental Health Awareness Workshops: Organize mental health awareness workshops or seminars for the team. Understanding common mental health challenges and destigmatizing mental health topics can contribute to a supportive team culture.
    • Share Personal Stories: Teammates sharing their own experiences with mental health challenges, when appropriate, can humanize the conversation and make it easier for others to open up.
  4. Notice Changes in Behavior:
    • Pay Attention to Isolation: If a teammate is consistently isolating themselves or avoiding social interactions, it might be a sign of mental health struggles.
    • Changes in Performance: Noticeable changes in athletic performance, motivation, or enthusiasm may indicate underlying mental health issues. Offering support during these times is crucial.
  5. Encourage Seeking Professional Help:
    • Normalize Professional Support: Emphasize that seeking help from mental health professionals is a sign of strength. Encourage teammates to consider talking to counselors, therapists, or psychologists.
    • Share Resources: Provide information about available mental health resources on campus or within the community. This may include counseling services, helplines, or support groups.
  6. Avoid Stigmatizing Language:
    • Watch Your Words: Be mindful of the language used when discussing mental health. Avoid stigmatizing terms and instead, promote language that fosters empathy and understanding.
    • Challenge Stigma: If you hear stigmatizing comments from others, be prepared to challenge them respectfully. Promote a team culture that prioritizes mental well-being.
  7. Offer Support:
    • Active Listening: When a teammate opens up about their mental health, practice active listening without judgment. Sometimes, just being heard can provide immense relief.
    • Offer Practical Assistance: Help with daily tasks or offer assistance in seeking professional help. This support can make it easier for someone to take the necessary steps towards mental health recovery.
  8. Encourage Self-Care:
    • Promote Healthy Habits: Encourage teammates to prioritize self-care practices, such as proper nutrition, adequate sleep, and physical activity. These habits contribute to overall well-being.
    • Team-Building Activities: Plan team-building activities that focus on relaxation and stress reduction. This can create a supportive environment and strengthen team bonds.

By fostering an open and supportive team culture, teammates can play a crucial role in recognizing mental health concerns, encouraging help-seeking behavior, and breaking down the stigma associated with mental health challenges. It’s a collective effort that contributes to the overall well-being and success of the team.

In summary, confusing mental health with mental toughness can have far-reaching negative consequences for student athletes. It is essential to recognize that both mental health and mental toughness are crucial components of athletic success, and a holistic approach that prioritizes both is vital for achieving sustained well-being and peak performance.


Here are some resources that student athletes and parents can use to find information, help, and support for mental health issues: I have no affiliation with these sites althougn they contributed to the ideas and content of this post and the one that will follow. Seek qualified healthcare professionals for mental health concerns.

Allina Health: This website provides an article on how to support student-athlete mental health. It covers topics such as identifying mental health challenges in young athletes, common mental health risks for kids in sports, and signs of mental health issues in young athletes. It also provides tips on how to support their overall well-being .

University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education: This website provides an article on how to help student-athletes navigate recruiting and college athletics. It covers topics such as balancing sports and academics, providing critical guidance and support, and the number of student-athletes and sports.

Inside Higher Ed: This website provides an article on four programs to improve student athlete mental health. It covers topics such as providing students with the resources they need, when they need them, and strategies to help student athletes who often struggle with mental health challenges but are reluctant to seek help.

The NCAA has recently approved new Mental Health Best Practices that all member schools will be required to follow, effective August 1, 2024. Under the NCAA constitution adopted in January 2021, each member school must facilitate an environment that reinforces physical and mental health within athletics by ensuring access to appropriate resources and open engagement with respect to physical and mental health 1. The second edition of the best practices document includes emerging information about the intersection of mental health and sports betting, social media, corruption in sport, suicide contagion, and name, image and likeness. The document also details specific considerations for student-athletes of color, LGBTQ student-athletes, international student-athletes and student-athletes with disabilities 1.

To support NCAA members in the implementation of mental health best practices, the NCAA Sport Science Institute recently hosted a series of webinars featuring membership-based examples of ways to consider supporting and promoting student-athlete mental health 1. I hope this information is helpful!.;

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“The Secret Sauce for Your Youth Athletes” and the 3rd Edition of “The Battle Plan for Youth Athletes” Goal tracking and Daily Journal – are now available at Amazon.

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