The Importance of Nutrition for Youth Athletes


From the “The Secret Sauce for Youth Athletes” – The Body
March 2024 is National Nutrition Month®

National Nutrition Month® is an annual campaign established in 1973 by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. During the month of March, everyone is invited to learn about making informed food choices and developing healthful eating and physical activity habits.

Section 2 of “The Secret Sauce for Youth Athletes” deals with the Body. In recognition if National Nutrition Month, I have included a chapter from the book that introduces a section on Nutrition.

Proper nutrition is a crucial component of the overall health and athletic performance of youth athletes. The food and beverages consumed by young athletes directly impact their energy levels, growth, and development, as well as their ability to train and compete at their best.

Youth athletes require a balanced and nutrient-dense diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins and minerals, while whole grains and lean proteins provide energy and support muscle growth and repair. Healthy fats, found in sources such as nuts, seeds, and avocados, are also important for overall health and support brain function.

It is also important for youth athletes to consume adequate amounts of carbohydrates to fuel their intense physical activity. Carbohydrates provide the body with energy, and consuming them before and during exercise can help maintain optimal athletic performance. Young athletes should aim to include a variety of healthy carbohydrates, such as whole-grain bread and portions of pasta, fruits, and vegetables, in their diets.

In addition to a balanced and nutritious diet, youth athletes should also pay attention to hydration. Adequate fluid intake is essential for overall health and athletic performance, and young athletes should aim to drink water before, during, and after physical activity. Sports drinks containing electrolytes can also be beneficial for young athletes engaging in intense physical activity lasting longer than an hour.

woman drinking at blue sports bottle outdoors
Photo by Jopwell on

It is important for youth athletes to avoid nutrient-poor foods, such as sugary drinks, processed snacks, and high-fat fast food, as these can negatively impact athletic performance and overall health. Additionally, young athletes should be cautious of consuming supplements, as these can have harmful side effects and are often unnecessary with a balanced and nutritious diet.

Nutrition Plan/Approach

Nutrition is an essential component of athletic performance, and it is especially important for youth athletes. The proper intake of nutrients can help young athletes perform at their best, recover faster from intense training and competition, and maintain their overall health. In this section, we will discuss the importance of nutrition for youth athletes and provide guidelines for pre-workout, during training and competition, recovery after, as well as in-season and out-of-season nutritional needs.

Guideline 1: Pre-Workout Nutrition. The food consumed before exercise can have a significant impact on the athlete’s performance. The goal of pre-workout nutrition is to provide energy for the activity ahead, enhance mental focus, and minimize fatigue. Some of the essential nutrients to consume before exercise include carbohydrates, protein, and fats.

Guideline 2: During Training and Competition. Nutrition During exercise, the body requires energy to perform at its best. Therefore, proper nutrition during training and competition is critical. The goal of during-training nutrition is to maintain energy levels, delay fatigue, and improve overall performance. Hydration is also vital during exercise to maintain optimal body temperature and prevent dehydration.

Guideline 3: Recovery After Exercise Nutrition. Post-workout nutrition is essential for muscle recovery and repair. After an intense workout, the body needs nutrients to replenish energy stores, repair damaged tissues, and rebuild muscles. Protein, carbohydrates, and electrolytes are essential nutrients to consume after exercise.

Guideline 4: In-Season Nutritional Guidelines . During the season, young athletes need to maintain their nutrition to support their training and competition demands. Proper nutrition during the season helps athletes perform at their best, recover faster, and avoid injury. In-season nutritional guidelines include eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and timing meals appropriately.

Guideline 5: Out-of-Season Nutritional Guidelines. During the off-season, young athletes need to focus on proper nutrition to support their training and preparation for the upcoming season. Out-of-season nutritional guidelines include consuming a balanced diet, increasing protein intake, and monitoring calorie intake. Young athletes should also take this opportunity to address any nutritional deficiencies. Conclusion: Nutrition is an essential component of athletic performance for young athletes. The right nutrients at the right time can help youth athletes perform at their best, recover faster, and maintain their overall health. Proper nutrition includes pre-workout, during training and competition, recovery after, as well as in-season and out-of-season nutritional guidelines. By following these guidelines, young athletes can optimize their performance and achieve their athletic goals.

As we celebrate National Nutrition Month®, it’s imperative to recognize the critical role that proper nutrition plays in the lives of youth athletes. With Section 2 of the Secret Sauce for Youth Athletes dedicated to the Body, including 4 chapters on Nutrition, we emphasize the significance of making informed food choices to enhance both health and athletic performance.

Let’s champion the importance of nutrition in youth sports, empowering young athletes to fuel their bodies intelligently, sustain peak performance, and ultimately, excel both on and off the field. As we embark on this journey of nourishing the future generation of athletes, let’s commit to fostering a culture of informed eating choices, ensuring that every aspiring athlete has the opportunity to thrive.

If this is your first visit to this blog, check out other useful articles for youth athletes, and aspiring student-athletes. Get a copy of the Secret Sauce for Youth Athletes for tips and recommendations on Nutrition, Hydration, Sleep and other topics important for the Body of a Youth Athlete. Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and your other favorite online book stores.

Join our community by subscribing to this blog and following @coachrich8 on Instagram, Facebook, Mastodon, and Twitter. Discover invaluable life skills through youth sports. Share this with others embarking on their own journeys.


  1. UW Health: Eating for Peak Athletic Performance
  2. Health line: Sports Nutrition
  3. Better Health Channel: Sporting Performance and Food
  4. US News Health: Fuel for Performance

Unveiling the Power of Journaling for Youth Athletes


“The Secret Sauce for Youth Athletes” takes a deeper dive into journaling.

In the ever-evolving world of youth sports, where competition is fierce and success requires a holistic approach, the significance of mental well-being and psychological resilience cannot be overstated. Building upon our previous exploration of journaling for youth athletes, this follow-up to the April 11 article (Located Here) aims to delve deeper into the transformative power of this practice. As we introduce advanced strategies, we’ll continue to unravel the “Secret Sauce” that makes journaling a game-changer in the pursuit of athletic excellence.

Research suggests that writing things down can help improve memory retention and recall. When we write something down, we engage in a process called encoding, which involves transforming information from our short-term memory into a more durable form that can be stored in long-term memory.

Overcoming Challenges

Studies have shown that journaling can help people manage anxiety and reduce symptoms, especially as part of a mental health treatment program. Journaling for anxiety, in particular, can increase your self-awareness and help you recognize patterns in your behavior that might be adding to your stress level. As an athlete, getting your thoughts out on paper helps to process the given situation and manage the outcome and navigate potential obstacles. This is a proven and helpful way to “get things off your chest”. Getting into this habit now around what you love, your sport, will provide the discipline and muscle memory to carry you through life.

Celebrate Wins

Highlighting real-life success stories can inspire and motivate both coaches and young athletes. From improved focus and goal-setting to enhanced self-awareness and stress management, Celebrating accomplishments and success puts you in a positive frame of mind. This is not only beneficial in real-time, but also over the long term. It is important to periodically review past writings as it highlights how far you have come and also reminds you of that previous win or accomplishment. 

Beyond the Basics

While the most important part of journaling is simply getting started, once you get into the routine, you can take it further. The previous post provided a comprehensive guide to getting started with journaling, this section will introduce advanced techniques to take the practice to the next level. Topics include:

a. Visualization Techniques: Exploring how visualization exercises within a journal can help athletes mentally rehearse and prepare for competitions, fostering a sense of familiarity and confidence. For more on visualization – see previous POST from April 4, 2023.

b. Performance Analysis: Introducing the concept of performance analysis through journaling, where athletes can critically assess their strengths and weaknesses, identify patterns, and strategize for improvement. Simply documenting what went well, what didn’t go well and what could improve will provide insight into what to keep doing, what to start doing and what to stop doing or change.

c. Goal Refinement: Discussing how to refine and evolve goals over time, ensuring that journaling remains a dynamic tool for personal and athletic development. Capturing daily thoughts and activities enables an athlete to identify patterns or trends that could lead to critical adjustments. Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly check-ins are considered to be Best-Practice in goal management.

d. Integrating Technology: In an era dominated by technology, there are plenty of digital tools and apps can enhance the journaling experience for youth athletes. In the December 2023 update for iPhone, apple introduced a Journal as part of the update. From goal-tracking, meditation apps, to mood monitoring tools, the integration of technology can streamline the journaling process and provide valuable insights into an athlete’s mental and emotional well-being. 


As we continue to uncover the layers of the Secret Sauce behind journaling for youth athletes, it becomes evident that this practice is not just a trend but a fundamental tool for nurturing holistic athletic development. By exploring success, overcoming setback, and using advanced strategies, and technology, young athletes will develop the keys to unlocking their full potential along their journey to success in the competitive world of youth sports.

Follow this blog and on social media, @coachrich8 on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to learn critical life skills through youth sports.

“The Secret Sauce for Your Youth Athletes” and the 3rd Edition of “The Battle Plan for Youth Athletes” Goal tracking and Daily Journal – are now available at Amazon.

Goal Setting: The Secret Sauce for Youth Athletes


Goal setting is the process of defining what you want to achieve and creating a roadmap to reach those targets. Setting goals helps you focus on what is important, develop a sense of purpose, and ultimately leads to personal success.

The number of goals a youth athlete should have at any one time is subjective and depends on the individual. However, there are some general guidelines that can help you determine the right number of goals for you. According to Rutgers Youth Sports Research Council, effective goals have a high priority and are few in number. While a young athlete may have many things to master, setting too many goals tend to diffuse their focus.

It is recommended to set performance rather than outcome goals. Performance is what the athlete controls, while outcomes are frequently controlled by others. For instance, once taught, a young basketball player can know and select the best position for guarding his or her “man”. However, effectively stopping the opponent from scoring may depend on the speed, agility and skill of the other player.

The number of goals a youth athlete should have at any one time can vary depending on several factors, including the athlete’s age, experience, and the specific sport they are involved in. Here are some general guidelines to consider:

  1. Make SMART Goals -Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This means goals should be defined in a way that allows an athlete to track progress and determine when they have reached them
  2. Focus on a Few Key Goals: It’s generally a good idea for youth athletes to focus on a small number of key goals at a time, typically no more than 2-3. This allows them to concentrate their efforts and make meaningful progress.
  3. Age and Development Level: Younger athletes may benefit from having fewer goals, as they are still developing their skills and physical abilities. As they gain experience and maturity, they can handle more complex goals.
  4. Short-Term vs. Long-Term Goals: Youth athletes should have a mix of short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals could be weekly or monthly objectives, while long-term goals might span a season or even a year.
  5. Specificity: Goals should be specific and measurable. For example, instead of setting a vague goal like “get better at basketball,” a more specific goal might be “improve free throw shooting accuracy by 10% in the next two months.”
  6. Realistic and Achievable: Goals should be challenging but realistic. Setting unattainable goals can lead to frustration and demotivation.
  7. Individualized: Each athlete is unique, so their goals should be tailored to their abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. What works for one athlete may not work for another.
  8. Feedback and Adjustments: Athletes should regularly assess their progress toward their goals and make adjustments as needed. If a goal has been achieved, new goals can be set.
  9. Balanced Goals: It’s important to strike a balance between different aspects of the sport, such as skill development, physical conditioning, and mental preparation.
  10. Consult Coaches and Mentors: Coaches and mentors can play a crucial role in helping athletes set appropriate goals and providing guidance on achieving them.
  11. Develop a Progressive Reward System: Rewarding oneself after achieving a milestone can help maintain motivation and focus.
  12. Have a weekly and monthly review: Regularly reviewing progress towards goals helps athletes stay on track and make adjustments as needed.
  13. Use the right tool: There are many tools available to help athletes track their progress towards their goals, such as apps, journals, or spreadsheets.

In conclusion, goal setting is a fundamental aspect of a youth athlete’s journey towards personal success.  The number of goals an athlete should set is subjective, with effective goals being prioritized and limited in number.  It is advisable to focus on performance rather than outcome goals, ensuring control lies within the athlete’s capabilities.  Several factors, including age, experience, and sport, influence the ideal number of goals.  Implementing guidelines such as SMART criteria, concentrating on a few key goals, considering age and development, and incorporating a mix of short-term and long-term objectives, contributes to a well-rounded goal-setting strategy.  Individualization, regular feedback, and consultation with coaches and mentors play crucial roles in refining and achieving these goals, fostering a balanced approach to skill development, physical conditioning, and mental preparation.  Finally, integrating progressive reward systems, regular reviews, and utilizing appropriate tracking tools enhance the effectiveness of goal setting in maintaining motivation and focus throughout the athlete’s journey.

Follow this blog and on social media, @coachrich8 on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to learn critical life skills through youth sports. Stay tuned for more “Secret Sauce for Youth Athletes”.

Get the 3rd Edition of “The Battle Plan for Youth Athletes” Goal tracking and Daily Journal – establish daily/weekly routines to give youth athletes a competitive advantage. Available at Amazon.

The Secret Sauce for Youth Athletes – Establishing Habits and Routines for Competitive Edge as a Youth Athlete and Beyond.


What if I told you that there is a secret sauce that can help you become a better athlete, a happier person, and a more successful individual? A sauce that can boost your confidence, improve your performance, and prevent injuries and burnout. A sauce that is not sold in any store but is available to anyone who wants it. Sounds too good to be true, right?

Well, the secret sauce is not a magic potion or a miracle drug. It is something that you already have within you but maybe you have not used it to its full potential. It is something that you can cultivate and practice every day, no matter what sport you play or what level you compete at. It is something that can make a huge difference in your life, both on and off the field. It is called self-care.

Self-help/Self-care is the act of taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. It is not selfish or indulgent; it is essential and beneficial. Self-care is not a one-size-fits-all formula; it is a personalized and flexible approach that suits your needs and preferences. Self-care is not a luxury or an afterthought; it is a priority and a habit.

In this book, I will show you how to create a system of routines, habits and rituals to help you achieve your goals as a youth athlete and beyond. I will share with you practical tips and strategies that are based on scientific research and proven by successful athletes. I will also share with you inspiring stories and examples of how self-care has transformed the lives of young athletes like you.

By the end of this book, you will learn how to:

  • Prioritize rest and recovery to optimize your energy and performance.
  • Make healthier food choices to fuel your body and brain.
  • Drink more water to stay hydrated and prevent dehydration.
  • Use positive self-talk to boost your confidence and overcome challenges.
  • Develop game day routines to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally.
  • Practice mindfulness to reduce stress and enhance focus.
  • And much more!

Self-care is not a secret anymore. It is the sauce that can spice up your athletic journey and make it more enjoyable and rewarding. It is the sauce that can help you reach your full potential and unleash your inner champion. It is the sauce that can change your life for the better.

Are you ready to taste it? Let’s get started!

Available at and Kindle

The Secret Sauce forYouth Athletes – Self Discipline


The Importance of Self-Discipline in Sports and How to Develop Discipline

Introduction: Self-discipline is an essential quality for success in sports. It goes beyond natural talent and physical abilities, serving as the foundation for consistent progress, mental toughness, and achieving long-term goals. In this chapter, we will explore the significance of self-discipline in sports and provide practical strategies to develop and strengthen this crucial attribute.

The Significance of Self-Discipline:

  • Consistency and Commitment: Self-discipline enables athletes to maintain consistent training routines and adhere to their goals and schedules. It ensures that they prioritize their sports activities and make necessary sacrifices to stay on track, even when faced with distractions or temptations.
  • Mental Toughness: Sports require mental fortitude to overcome challenges, setbacks, and pressure. Self-discipline helps athletes stay focused, motivated, and resilient in the face of adversity. It allows them to push through discomfort, endure rigorous training sessions, and maintain a positive mindset.
  • Goal Setting and Achievement: Discipline is fundamental to setting and achieving goals. It helps athletes break down their long-term objectives into manageable steps and stay dedicated to the process. By maintaining discipline, athletes can track their progress, adjust their strategies, and ultimately achieve their desired outcomes.

Developing Self-Discipline:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Define your short-term and long-term goals in sports. Make them specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Clearly understanding your objectives will provide a sense of direction and purpose, motivating you to stay disciplined.
  2. Create a Routine: Establish a consistent training schedule and stick to it. Designate specific times for workouts, practice sessions, and rest. Following a routine will help you build discipline through regularity and make it easier to resist distractions or procrastination.
  3. Practice Delayed Gratification: Discipline requires resisting immediate gratification in favor of long-term rewards. Identify areas of your life where you tend to seek instant gratification and consciously choose to delay it. For example, instead of skipping training to go out with friends, prioritize your practice and reward yourself later.
  4. Stay Accountable: Find an accountability partner, such as a coach, teammate, or mentor, who can help you stay on track and hold you responsible for your commitments. Regular check-ins and feedback will help you remain disciplined and motivated.
  5. Embrace Challenges: Push yourself outside of your comfort zone and embrace challenges willingly. By willingly facing difficulties, you will develop mental resilience and strengthen your self-discipline. Engage in activities that require discipline, such as practicing in adverse weather conditions or participating in competitive events.
  6. Focus on Incremental Improvements: Break your larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. Celebrate each small victory along the way, as this will keep you motivated and reinforce your discipline. Consistent progress, even if it’s incremental, leads to significant long-term achievements.
  7. Cultivate Self-Awareness: Reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Self-awareness allows you to identify habits or behaviors that hinder your discipline. By recognizing these patterns, you can consciously work on changing them and develop stronger discipline.

Conclusion: Self-discipline is a vital attribute for athletes aiming for success in sports. It provides the foundation for consistency, mental toughness, and goal achievement. By setting clear goals, establishing routines, practicing delayed gratification, and staying accountable, athletes can develop and strengthen their self-discipline. Embracing challenges, focusing on incremental improvements, and cultivating self-awareness will further enhance this essential quality, paving the way for excellence in sports and beyond. Remember, discipline is not a destination but a lifelong journey, and with consistent practice, it can become a part of who you are as an athlete and as an adult.  Starting with your sport is low hanging fruit and while it undoubtedly benefits performance, it is even more crucial for developing essential life skills that can profoundly impact every facet of your existence.

Follow this blog and on social media, @coachrich8 on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to learn critical life skills through youth sports. Stay tuned for more “Secret Sauce for Youth Athletes”.

Get the 3rd Edition of “The Battle Plan for Youth Athletes” Goal tracking and Daily Journal – establish daily/weekly routines to give youth athletes a competitive advantage. Available at Amazon.

Understanding the Difference Between Motivation and Discipline – The Secret Sauce for Youth Athletes


In the realm of sports and personal development, motivation and discipline are often mentioned together as essential factors for success. While they are closely related, it is important to recognize that motivation and discipline are distinct concepts that play different roles in achieving goals. In this chapter, we will explore the differences between motivation and discipline and understand how they work together to drive athletes towards excellence.

Defining Motivation and Discipline: Motivation refers to the internal or external factors that inspire and drive individuals to take action towards their goals. It is the desire, enthusiasm, or passion that fuels the initiation and continuation of activities. Motivation provides the emotional and psychological boost necessary to start and sustain efforts.

Discipline, on the other hand, involves the ability to control and regulate one’s actions, thoughts, and behaviors to adhere to a set of rules, routines, or commitments. It is the practice of self-control, consistency, and focus, even in the absence of immediate external motivation. Discipline provides the structure and framework that enables individuals to make consistent progress towards their goals.

The Interplay Between Motivation and Discipline: While motivation and discipline are distinct, they are interdependent and work in harmony to propel athletes towards success.

  1. Motivation as the Catalyst:

    Motivation acts as the initial spark that ignites the desire to pursue a goal. It provides the energy, enthusiasm, and purpose needed to initiate action. Athletes often draw motivation from various sources, such as personal aspirations, external rewards, inspiration from role models, or the desire for recognition. Motivation acts as a catalyst, setting the stage for disciplined actions.
  2. Developing a Sustainable Cycle:

    The relationship between motivation and discipline can create a self-reinforcing cycle. When athletes consistently practice discipline, they experience progress and achievements, which in turn boosts their motivation. As motivation is rekindled, athletes find renewed energy to continue their disciplined efforts. This cyclical process fosters a sustainable path of growth and success.
  3. Discipline as the Driving Force:

    Once the initial motivation wanes or fluctuates, discipline takes over as the driving force. Discipline ensures that athletes remain committed and consistent in their efforts, even when faced with challenges or a lack of motivation. It helps athletes establish and maintain productive routines, adhere to training schedules, and push through obstacles with unwavering determination. Discipline keeps athletes focused on the bigger picture and helps them develop the resilience needed to overcome setbacks.

Harnessing Motivation and Discipline:

  1. Cultivating Motivation:
    • Set meaningful and challenging goals that inspire you.
    • Surround yourself with positive and supportive individuals who share similar aspirations.
    • Continually seek inspiration and role models in your sport.
    • Visualize your success and the rewards associated with achieving your goals.
  2. Strengthening Discipline:
    • Establish a routine and stick to it, regardless of fluctuations in motivation.
    • Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks.
    • Prioritize your commitments and make necessary sacrifices to stay disciplined.
    • Practice self-control and resist temptations that derail progress.
    • Hold yourself accountable for your actions and seek support from coaches or mentors.
  3. Balancing Motivation and Discipline:
    • Understand that motivation is not constant and may fluctuate over time.
    • Rely on discipline during periods of low motivation to maintain progress.
    • Celebrate small victories and milestones to sustain motivation.
    • Continuously reassess and adjust goals to stay motivated and disciplined.

Conclusion: Motivation and discipline are two distinct yet interconnected forces that drive athletes towards success. While motivation provides the initial spark and inspiration, discipline is the unwavering commitment and consistency that sustains progress. By understanding the differences between motivation and discipline and harnessing their synergy, athletes can cultivate a winning mindset and propel themselves towards achieving their goals. Remember, motivation may ignite the fire, but discipline keeps it burning. Stay tuned for the next article on Self-Discipline from “The Secret Sauce for Youth Athletes:

Follow this blog and on social media, @coachrich8 on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to learn critical life skills through youth sports. Stay tuned for more “Secret Sauce for Youth Athletes”.

Get the 3rd Edition of “The Battle Plan for Youth Athletes” Goal tracking and Daily Journal – establish daily/weekly routines to give youth athletes a competitive advantage. Available at Amazon.

Practice Gratitude Daily – Thanksgiving Lessons for Everyday – The Secret Sauce for Youth Athletes


On this Thanksgiving Day in the USA, I am reminded of the importance of giving thanks and showing appreciation for what I have, for my health, relationships, basically everything. This was an article that was published in the Spring that I felt compelled to re-share given that today is a day that youth athletes will be practicing Gratitude. Why not use this day and this practice as a starting point to bring the practice of showing gratitude on a daily or weekly basis?

Thanksgiving is a time to express gratitude and appreciation for the blessings in our lives. It is also an opportunity to reflect on the positive impact that the community that supports youth athletes has on our children. Here are some ways that youth athletes can show gratitude this Thanksgiving:

  1. Write a thank-you note: A heartfelt note of appreciation can go a long way in making a coach or trainer of young athletes feel valued and recognized for their hard work and dedication.
  2. Volunteer at a local sports event: Consider volunteering at a local sports event to show your support for other young athletes. You can help with setup, cleanup, or even coaching.
  3. Donate to a youth sports organization: Many youth sports organizations rely on donations to provide equipment, uniforms, and other resources to young athletes. Consider making a donation of extra equipment or gear to support these organizations and the young athletes they serve.
  4. Express gratitude: Get in the habit of sharing what they are thankful for. This can be done through a team gratitude board or by having athletes share their thoughts out loud. It can also be shared on social media or in private via meditation, journaling, etc.

Let’s take this Thanksgiving as an opportunity to show our appreciation for those who support you as a youth athlete. Beyond Thanksgiving, follow these practical tips and guidelines to make Gratitude a part of your routine as a young athlete and into adulthood.

On Gratitude (as posted April 18, 2023)

Gratitude is an essential quality that can bring immense benefits to our lives. It is the act of feeling thankful and appreciative of what we have and the people around us. As a teenager, and competitive athlete, it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, school, friends, and family drama, and forget to be grateful. Add the constant pressure of performance and it is easy to see how an athlete could get caught up in a lot of the negative stimuli.  In this article, we will explore the importance of gratitude and ways that an athlete can begin to add the practice into their lives.

Why Practice Gratitude?

Gratitude has been proven to have a positive impact on our mental health and overall well-being. When we are grateful, we tend to focus on the good things in our lives, which helps us feel happier and more content. It can also help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Gratitude can improve our relationships with others by strengthening bonds and increasing empathy and kindness. Practicing gratitude can also lead to better physical health, including improved sleep and reduced inflammation.

Ways to Cultivate Gratitude

  1. Keep a Gratitude Journal

One of the easiest ways to cultivate gratitude is by keeping a gratitude journal. You can start by writing down three things you are thankful for each day. It can be anything from a good grade on a test to a kind gesture from a friend or family member. By focusing on the positive aspects of your life, you can increase your overall sense of gratitude.

  1. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and aware of your thoughts and emotions. By practicing mindfulness, you can become more aware of the good things in your life and appreciate them more. Take a few moments each day to focus on your breathing and be present in the moment.

  1. Express Gratitude to Others

Expressing gratitude to others can be a powerful way to cultivate gratitude in your own life. You can start by thanking someone for something they did for you, or simply telling them how much you appreciate them. You can also write a thank you note or send a message of gratitude to someone who has made a positive impact on your life. There is no limit and no right or wrong answer, it could be a friend, a teammate, a coach, teacher, Starbucks barista, you name it and you decide.

  1. Volunteer

Volunteering is an excellent way to cultivate gratitude by helping others. By giving your time and energy to a cause or organization, you can gain a sense of perspective and appreciation for what you have. You can volunteer at a local charity or organization, or even help out a friend or family member in need. Not only is volunteer work rewarding, but it is also often required by schools and an important attribute in college acceptance criteria. Volunteering as a way of cultivating gratitude may help an athlete have a better overall experience than volunteering out of a sense or requirement.

  1. Focus on the Positive

Finally, it is important to focus on the positive aspects of your life, even during difficult times. By focusing on the good things in your life, you can increase your overall sense of gratitude and happiness. You can do this by creating a gratitude list, reminding yourself of what you are grateful for, and focusing on the positive aspects of challenging situations.

In conclusion, cultivating gratitude can bring many benefits to our lives, including increased happiness, better mental and physical health, and stronger relationships. By practicing gratitude regularly, we can increase our overall sense of well-being and appreciation for what we have. As a teenager, it is important to prioritize gratitude and make it a part of our daily life.

Find more “Secret Sauce for Youth Athletes at

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The Secret Sauce for Youth Athletes: The Current Landscape of College Recruiting


College recruiting is the process of attracting and signing college athletes for various sports teams. It is a competitive and dynamic market that involves various stakeholders, such as coaches, athletic directors, students, and parents. College recruiting has been affected by several factors in recent years, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise of social media, the changes in student preferences and expectations, and the new rules on name, image, and likeness (NIL) rights. In this article, we will examine the current state of college recruiting and its implications for the future.

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted college recruiting in many ways. It has forced coaches and athletic directors to shift from in-person to online visits and evaluations. It has also reduced the number of scholarships and offers in some sports while increasing them in others. According to a survey by Next College Student Athlete, a leading online platform for college recruiting, 35% of coaches reported offering fewer scholarships in 2020, compared to 13% in 2019. The same survey also found that 42% of coaches reported offering more scholarships in 2020 than in 2019. The most affected sports were football, basketball, and baseball, while the least affected were soccer, volleyball, and lacrosse.

The rise of social media has also created new opportunities and challenges for college recruiting. On one hand, it has enabled coaches and students to connect more easily and effectively across geographic boundaries and time zones. It has also allowed coaches to access a larger and more diverse pool of candidates, and students to showcase their skills and personalities. On the other hand, it has also increased the competition and complexity of the market. It has made it harder for coaches and students to stand out and to maintain ethical and professional standards and build rapport in a crowded and impersonal online environment. It has also raised concerns about privacy, security, and accessibility for both parties.

Student Preferences and Expectations in College Recruiting

In the dynamic landscape of college recruiting, student-athletes, their parents or those supporting them should also consider broader factors that shape their overall college experience. Here are some key aspects influenced by student preferences:

  1. Career Advancement Opportunities: Student-athletes should seek programs that not only excel in their sport but also provide a solid foundation for their future careers. They should look for institutions that offer robust academic support, networking opportunities, and connections to potential employers.
  2. Work-Life Balance: Balancing academics, athletics, and personal life is crucial. Student-athletes should evaluate programs that understand this delicate balance and provide resources to manage their time effectively.
  3. Culture: Just as in the corporate world, college athletic programs have distinct cultures. Student-athletes ought to consider factors like coaching philosophy, team dynamics, and the overall environment. A positive and supportive culture can significantly impact their experience.
  4. Social Impact: Many student-athletes want to make a difference beyond the field. If that is of interest, they should seek programs that engage in community service, social justice initiatives, and advocacy. Thusm that student athlete may thrive in a program that contributes positively to society and social issues.
  5. Compensation and NIL Rights: With the recent changes in name, image, and likeness (NIL) rules, student-athletes now have opportunities to earn compensation through endorsements, sponsorships, and social media. Programs that support and educate athletes on leveraging their NIL rights are becoming increasingly attractive.
  6. Flexibility and Autonomy: Student-athletes schedules are often managed for them, in some conferences particularly in Division, there is not a lot of flexibility in a student athletes schedule.  If you or your prospective student athlete value flexibility in their schedules, you may consider understanding and searching for Divisions, conferences and programs that allow them to explore other interests, pursue internships, or engage in extracurricular activities beyond sports.
  7. Diversity and Inclusion: Collegiate athletics is a wonderful environment to expose students to diverse and inclusive environments. Student-athletes will most likely experience fellow athletes from different parts of the world, different ethnicities, cultures, languages, and the like.  Some programs and sports are more diverse than others and athletes should seek to understand that aspect if they desire to be part of programs that celebrate different backgrounds, perspectives, and identities.
  8. Alternative Career Paths: While some aspire to professional sports, only a very small percentage achieve that dream.  The majority of athletes others are interested in and planning a career path or area of study while others may pursue entrepreneurial ventures, coaching, or non-traditional career paths. If programs that nurture these aspirations are appealing, it is important to investigate and consider as part of the selection process.

Challenges for Athletic Programs

These evolving preferences present challenges for athletic programs:

  1. Adaptation: Coaches and recruiters must adapt their strategies to align with student expectations. This includes tailoring communication, emphasizing holistic development, and showcasing the program’s unique features.
  2. Value Proposition: Programs need a compelling value proposition beyond athletic success. Highlighting academic support, life skills training, and character development becomes crucial.
  3. Ethical Recruiting: Balancing recruitment efforts while maintaining ethical standards is essential. Coaches must build genuine relationships and avoid undue pressure.

In summary, college athletic recruiting is no longer solely about wins and losses. It’s about creating an enriching experience that aligns with student-athletes’ aspirations and values. Programs that understand and embrace these shifts will thrive in the competitive recruiting landscape.

The new rules on NIL rights have also impacted college recruiting. NIL rights allow college athletes to earn money from their name, image, and likeness through endorsements, sponsorships, or other ventures. The NCAA adopted these rules in July 2021 after several states passed laws allowing NIL rights for college athletes. The rules have created new opportunities and challenges for college athletes, coaches, schools, and employers. College athletes can now leverage their personal brand and influence to generate income and exposure. Coaches and schools can use NIL rights as a recruiting tool or incentive for athletes. Employers can partner with or hire college athletes as ambassadors or influencers for their products or services.

The current state of college recruiting is characterized by uncertainty and opportunity. It is uncertain how the pandemic will continue to affect the market and how the virtual platforms will evolve. It is also uncertain how the student preferences and expectations will change over time and how the NIL rights will play out in practice. However, it is also an opportunity for innovation and collaboration. It is an opportunity for employers and career centers to leverage technology and data to enhance their outreach and engagement with students. It is also an opportunity for students to explore their options and interests and pursue their goals with more agency and support.

Stay tuned for the next article offering practical tips and guidelines on how to get started.

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The Secret Sauce for Youth Athletes: Starting with the End in Mind – Work Back Planning for Youth Athletes


Begin with the end in mind… The work back plan.

As a youth athlete, it can be challenging to know where to start when it comes to setting goals and developing a plan to achieve them. One effective strategy is to start with the end in mind and work backwards from there. By creating a work back plan, youth athletes can break down their goals into manageable steps and track their progress towards achieving them. In this article, we will explore the benefits of work back planning for youth athletes and provide a practical guide on how to get started. Understanding Goal Setting and the purpose of goal management will be an important foundation upon which to build a work back plan. This article will start with a high level overview of Goals to provide a primer on Goal Setting and Goal Management to create an optimal work back plan.

Goal Setting

Goal setting is the process of defining what you want to achieve and creating a roadmap to reach those targets. Setting goals helps you focus on what is important, develop a sense of purpose, and ultimately leads to personal and professional success.

Step 1: Define your goals The first step in the goal setting process is to clearly define what it is you want to achieve. This can be in any area of your life, such as personal development, academic, relationships, fitness and absolutely sport/performance specific. Consider what is truly important to you and write down your goals in a clear and concise manner.

Step 2: Make your goals SMART -Your goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This means that your goals should be defined in a way that allows you to track progress and determine when you have reached them.

Step 3: Create a plan – Once you have defined your goals, it is important to create a plan for achieving them. This can include creating smaller, manageable steps that build towards your bigger goal, setting deadlines, and determining what resources or support you will need along the way.

Step 4: Stay motivated – Staying motivated can be a challenge, especially when faced with obstacles or setbacks. To stay motivated, it is important to stay focused on your reasons for setting the goals in the first place, and to celebrate your progress along the way.

Step 5: Review and adjust – Regularly reviewing your goals and progress is an important part of the goal setting process. This will help you stay on track and make any necessary adjustments to your plan.

Goal setting is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth as athletes enter adulthood. By applying the steps, you can set achievable and meaningful goals and take control of your future. Remember to stay focused, stay motivated, and stay committed to your goals. With persistence and hard work, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. This understanding and discipline is a critical component if a work back plan.

Benefits of Work Back Planning

  1. Clarify Goals

One of the primary benefits of work back planning is that it helps clarify goals. By starting with the end in mind, athletes can identify their ultimate goal and then break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. This process can help athletes identify what they need to do to achieve their goal and develop a clearer understanding of what success will look like.

  1. Develop a Timeline

Another benefit of work back planning is that it helps athletes develop a timeline for achieving their goals. By breaking down their goal into smaller steps, athletes can identify when they need to achieve each step in order to reach their ultimate goal. This process can help athletes stay on track and avoid becoming overwhelmed by the larger goal. Goals can be daily, weekly, monthly, seasonally, etc.

  1. Track Progress

Finally, work back planning allows athletes to track their progress towards achieving their goals. By breaking their goal down into smaller steps, athletes can track their progress towards each step and see how they are moving towards their ultimate goal. This process can help athletes stay motivated and adjust their plan as needed.

How to Create a Work Back Plan

  1. Identify the Goal

The first step in creating a work back plan is to identify the ultimate goal. This could be a specific performance goal, such as achieving a certain time in a race, goals, touchdowns, hits, points, assists, rushing yards, receptions which could be steps to achieve a broader goal, such as earning a spot on a team, getting a starting position, even getting recruited to play in college and earning a college scholarship.

  1. Break it Down

Once the ultimate goal has been identified, the next step is to break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. For example, if the ultimate goal is to earn a college scholarship, the smaller steps could include improving performance in a specific area, such as running a faster mile time, getting a certain amount of playing time, improving skills or hitting specific statistics for your sport.

  1. Set Deadlines

Once the smaller steps have been identified, it is important to set deadlines for achieving each step. This helps athletes stay on track and ensure that they are making progress towards their ultimate goal.

  1. Track Progress

Finally, it is important to track progress towards each step in the plan. This can be done through regular check-ins or using a tracking tool, such as a spreadsheet or journal. Tracking progress helps athletes stay motivated and make adjustments to their plan as needed. The Battle Plan for Athletes is a Goal Management and Daily Journal that athletes can keep in their backpack, locker, gear bag, etc. There is no shortage of Journals and Apps that are available that can provide a framework to follow to simplify the planing and tracking.


Work back planning is a powerful tool for youth athletes who want to achieve their goals and develop sustainable success. By starting with the end in mind and breaking down their goals into manageable steps, athletes can develop a clearer understanding of what they need to do to achieve success. By setting deadlines and tracking progress, athletes can stay on track and adjust their plan as needed. With a solid work back plan in place, youth athletes can build the skills, habits, and mindset needed to succeed both on and off the field.

Follow this blog and on social media, @coachrich8 on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to learn critical life skills through youth sports. Stay tuned for more “Secret Sauce” for youth athletes.

Managing Adversity for Youth Athletes: Building Resilience, Adaptability, and Perseverance. The Secret Sauce for Youth Athletes


As an athlete, it is inevitable that you will face adversity at some point in your playing career, in fact, there will be frequent challenges which is simply the nature of sports. As a parent, you must decide at what point you allow your child to manage those trials with on their own (but with your support). It is easy to want to get involved and protect your child(ren). As a parent myself, it is natural to think that you know what is best for your kids. Starting in the teen years, it is important for the player to take ownership and develop skills and experience to speak with teammates, trainers, coaches and administrators both at times of adversity and when times are good. As a youth athlete, developing healthy relationships and building communication skills and coping mechanisms is not only a requirement but a perfect developmental opportunity to prepare you for life.

This article will highlight the benefits of building these skills as well as provide some high-level, yet practical tips and strategies to deal with Adversity. An inevitable part of both life and sports, youth athletes are bound to encounter various challenges and setbacks throughout their athletic journeys. However, these experiences can also present valuable opportunities for growth and development. In this article, we will explore the benefits of managing adversity for youth athletes and provide guidance on effectively navigating these challenges.

Benefits of Managing Adversity:

  1. Resilience: Managing adversity contributes to the development of resilience. Adversity serves as a powerful teacher, enabling athletes to learn how to bounce back from setbacks and become mentally tougher. By effectively managing and overcoming challenges, athletes can enhance their resilience and be better equipped to handle future obstacles.
  2. Adaptability: Adversity helps youth athletes become more adaptable. When faced with unexpected challenges or changes, athletes learn to adjust their approach and discover new solutions. This fosters creativity, and resourcefulness, and equips them to handle the unpredictable nature of sports.
  3. Perseverance: Managing adversity fosters greater perseverance. When confronted with challenges or setbacks, athletes may be tempted to give up or lose motivation. However, by persevering through these difficulties, athletes develop mental toughness and find increased motivation to work towards their goals.

Navigating Adversity:

  1. Stay Positive: Maintaining a positive attitude is crucial in managing adversity. By focusing on the lessons learned and the opportunities for growth, athletes can stay motivated and focused even in the face of setbacks.
  2. Seek Support: Seeking support from coaches, teammates, or family members is an important strategy in managing adversity. It helps athletes feel less alone and more motivated to overcome challenges. Additionally, seeking support provides valuable insights and guidance on how to navigate difficult situations.
  3. Learn from Experience: Instead of simply moving on from challenging experiences, it is important to reflect on what was learned and how those lessons can be applied in the future. By learning from adversity, athletes can develop greater resilience, adaptability, and perseverance.

The strategies and approaches mentioned in the previous sections contribute to the development of important life skills for youth athletes. Let’s explore how each aspect helps in building these skills:

  1. Resilience: Managing and overcoming adversity fosters resilience, which is a crucial life skill. By facing challenges, setbacks, and failures in sports, athletes learn to bounce back, persevere, and maintain a positive attitude in the face of difficulties. This resilience can be transferred to various areas of life, helping individuals navigate personal and professional challenges.
  2. Adaptability: Adversity teaches athletes to adapt their approach and find new solutions. This skill is valuable not only in sports but also in everyday life, where unexpected situations and changes are common. Learning to adjust and be flexible in the face of challenges prepares individuals to handle different circumstances and problem-solve effectively.
  3. Perseverance: Overcoming challenges and setbacks requires perseverance. By staying motivated, pushing through obstacles, and continuing to work towards their goals, athletes develop mental toughness and the ability to persist in the face of adversity. This determination and perseverance can be applied to various aspects of life, helping individuals overcome obstacles and achieve long-term success.
  4. Communication and Assertiveness: Speaking directly to coaches and expressing concerns or conflicts helps youth athletes develop vital communication and assertiveness skills. It teaches them how to articulate their needs, opinions, and feelings in a respectful and assertive manner. These skills are essential for effective communication, building relationships, and advocating for oneself in various personal and professional settings.
  5. Conflict Resolution: Addressing issues with coaches directly promotes conflict resolution skills. By engaging in open and honest communication, athletes learn to navigate disagreements, find common ground, and work towards mutually beneficial solutions. These conflict-resolution skills are applicable in various contexts, such as interpersonal relationships, teamwork, and problem-solving situations.
  6. Independence and Autonomy: Encouraging youth athletes to address concerns with coaches fosters autonomy and self-advocacy skills. It helps athletes develop the ability to take responsibility for their own experiences, make independent decisions, and assert their needs. These skills empower individuals to navigate challenges, make choices aligned with their goals and values, and take ownership of their personal and professional lives.

By actively engaging in managing adversity, speaking directly to coaches, and implementing the strategies mentioned, youth athletes develop a range of life skills that extend beyond the realm of sports. These skills contribute to their personal growth, resilience, effective communication, problem-solving abilities, and overall success in various areas of life.

When faced with challenges, both caregivers and the athlete themselves should discuss what is going on, break it down and develop a plan that puts the athlete in the position to respond and manage that challenge. Stay tuned for the next article as we dig deeper into the “When, Why, and How” to speak with coaches, teachers, and adminsitrators.

Follow this blog and on social media, @coachrich8 on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to learn critical life skills through youth sports.